June 4

AMT 14 is coming soon!


[June 4, 2010] Graphisoft announced ArchiCAD 14 a few weeks ago, and it is expected to ship in mid to late June. [Update: ArchiCAD 14 started shipping in the U.S.A. on July 6, 2010.] We have just received the “Release Candidate”, a near-final version of the software, and are starting work on an update for MasterTemplate. We expect to have the USA version ready when users receive ArchiCAD 14, and hope to have the INT update shortly thereafter.

If you buy AMT now, or purchased AMT or an AMT upgrade within the past year, you will be able to download AMT14 for free. If you own AMT but your last purchase was more than one year before the release date of AMT14, you may buy an upgrade for $75.

More details on AMT14, including a summary of changes and improvements, will be posted when we announce the release. Stay tuned!

UPDATE – July 23, 2010

Today we are releasing MasterTemplate 13 USA version, and plan to roll out the International version within the next week! Please see the new blog post.


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MasterTemplate for ArchiCAD 15

MasterTemplate for ArchiCAD 15
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  1. I downloaded ArchiCAD 14 and upgraded my key, now as soon as the AMT 14 is released, would like to upgrade Master Template when it is released.

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